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Despite what the help at the big home centers would like you to think, exterior pressure washing, soft washing, or roof cleaning is not something that most people should try tackling themselves. 

Even among "professionals"like Morris Pressure Washing only a skilled few have the years of experience it takes to reach a high level of competency in these trades. 

Simply buying a small pressure washer does not qualify a person to have the appropriate knowledge or skill that it takes to achieve quality results, and more importantly, to achieve those quality results safely. 

What are the dangers of attempting to powerwash myself?

Pressure washing machines are powerful, and water is expelled at a very high psi. Unskilled and untrained users can injure themselves if they do not know how to properly opperate the equipment. Injuries can be severe. 

Beyond the potential to do bodily harm, pressure washing improperly can cause extensive damage to property. Should the psi be set too high, depending on the surface, it can cause thousands of dollars in damage. 

It's best to allow a professional do the job safely and correctly the first time.
How long does it take?

Largely, the time it takes depends on the size of the job. Most jobs can easily be completed in a matter of hours, and your property can go from grimy to shining like new in no time! 

So give us a call today at (405-395-7190). You"ll be glad you did. 

Morris Pressure Washing Service knows The first thing people notice is the driveway leading up to your home. One easy thing that you can do to brighten up the exterior of your home is to clean and seal your concrete. Cleaning and sealing your concrete driveway, walkway, porch and patio is fairly inexpensive if done by a professional pressure washing company like Morris Pressure Washing Service
To start off, we would need to remove any furniture you may have into the yard.No need to worry about any landscaping the Pressure Washing wont harm any plants or trees.We will use a tarp around mulch or anywhere it may puddle and sling mud around,and to protect while we are cleaning. 
Now we are ready to begin cleaning. We start off by cleaning the porch,and then proceed to the driveway and sidewalk, it is not necessary to use any stain removers or concrete brighteners in this step. We clean starting from the top of your driveway and work towards the street. When this step is completed we can now go over any oil stains with a concrete cleaner and whitener. We will then need to let the concrete dry for a day before we can seal it.
We avoid pump spraying sealers because its hard to get an even coat. When we start to seal we make sure we we apply the sealer in a consistent manner. I prefer to roll it on. Once we seal your concrete it will last for years,and Oilstains will be a thing of the past. Morris Pressure Washing Service specializes in Sealing Driveways and Wood Decks.